The Latest Trends from the 18th ESA ADCSS Workshop in Noordwijk, NL
embedded brains was on-site at this workshop to explore the latest trends and engage in conversations with interested parties.
embedded brains was on-site at this workshop to explore the latest trends and engage in conversations with interested parties.
After three intense days at embedded world 2024, we once again realized how important direct dialogue is. Our flexible prototyping platform SaLTShaker and our MIMO Radar were especially high in demand.
On March 13 and 14, visitors from different countries gathered in Puchheim for the second progress meeting of the SAFEST project.
The European Space Agency ESA certifies the open source real-time operating system RTEMS for Criticality Category C and D.
embedded brains develops hardware, mechanical components and power management strategy for plug & play personal security device genucard 3
The ELEPHANT sensor platform from embedded brains is one of 10 nominated favorites in the embedded design category.
Embedded brains moves testing and validation of object recognition from the road to the lab.