Our rapid prototyping platform ARTES
Concept Review Before Starting Development
ARTES (Adaptable Radar Toolkit for Embedded Systems) is an internal development platform that can be used to check the essential functionality of a task-related system design for a radar application even before development work begins. The design of the radar system and its planned functionality can be verified in advance and accelerate the development time up to the first functional prototype (rapid prototyping).
Key Facts from ARTES
Advantages Of ARTES
Optimized System Development
The use of ARTES leads to a significant shortening of the risk path in terms of concept failures with:
- Concept testing within 6-8 weeks
- Verification of the concept and system design before starting the development process. This allows:
- Reduction of development risks
- Reduction of development costs
- Accelerated system development
- Accelerated time to market
- Increased added value